Securing the Digital Universe: Where Do We Even Start?
by Martin Kuppinger
What a huge topic. The Digital Universe. Is this more than the Metaverse or less? Anyway: We live in the Digital Age. The vast majority of organizations rely on digital services to run at least parts of their business. Every one of us is consuming such digital services. They are ubiquitous. But this bigger ecosystem of connected digital services, of consumers and customers and citizens, of businesses and governments, of business partners and suppliers, of devices and things is at risk. It is under attack, continuously. The golden rule is: Once you are connected, you are under attack. No...
Securing the Autonomous World by Reinforcing Cybersecurity
by Nitish Deshpande
With the increase in automation, there are new cybersecurity threats that need to be addressed, and in order to address the new cybersecurity threats, there are a few technological challenges that need to be understood. The first challenge is the availability and quality of training data that is required for training cybersecurity-related ML models. This data almost always contains massive amounts of sensitive information – intellectual property, PII, or otherwise strictly regulated data – which companies aren’t willing to share with security vendors. Formal...
Future Cybersecurity Threats: Advanced Disinformation Campaigns
by Alejandro Leal
Deepfakes and Disinformation in Cyberspace Cyberspace greatly enhances an actor's ability to engage in activities that can yield geopolitical and economic gains without resorting to the use of force. With the advent of cyberspace, various actors, including both state and non-state entities, have taken advantage of its vast interconnectedness to partake in a wide range of activities, including malicious behavior. Cybercriminals and state-sponsored adversaries are always looking for new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and use new tools to target individuals and organizations. For...
Future Cybersecurity Threats: Be Prepared
by Warwick Ashford
Preparing for future cybersecurity threats can be daunting, but it really doesn’t have to be the case if cyber security leaders recognize the true nature of the challenge. An analysis of past cyber-attacks reveals that they tend to be cyclic and lack any real innovation. Most "sophisticated" attacks are just different combinations of well-known attack tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) applied to new technologies. Therefore, the key to success lies in focusing on new technologies, protecting data within them, and automating processes to keep up with the pace of change....
The Rise of AI Is Revolutionizing Cyber-Attacks
by Marina Iantorno
How is AI used by attackers? Cyber attackers that use AI may exploit system and network weaknesses with unparalleled precision. Attackers can rapidly detect holes in defenses using advanced algorithms and Machine Learning (ML), allowing them to execute targeted attacks that maximize their chances of success on their probes. Besides, AI provides cyber attackers with sophisticated capabilities for bypassing traditional security barriers. Attackers can use AI to build evasion strategies that resemble genuine user behavior, making it more difficult for security systems to discern between...
Inside cyberevolution: What to Expect at KuppingerCole's New Conference
by Berthold Kerl
Oracle Access Governance: Cloud-Based Centralized Visibility
by Nitish Deshpande
In the last few years, several prominent security-related incidents have originated from inefficient governance of identities such as the Equifax data breach in 2017 where data of 147 million identities was compromised or the Microsoft Exchange Server data breach in 2021 which affected 30,000 organizations from 150 countries. Data theft, loss of personally identifiable information (PII), and industrial espionage through unauthorized access are severe security risks in every industry. Organizations struggle with centralized visibility for identifying who has access to what, who has accessed...
AI and Cybersecurity: A New Hope for Cyber Defenders?
by Alexei Balaganski
Benjamin Franklin, the famous American statesman (happy 4th of July, by the way!), once claimed: “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. Well, nowadays, there is another certainty for every organization in the world – eventually it will be hacked. If yours has not yet been attacked by cybercriminals, then it can easily happen tomorrow or even worse: it might have already happened, but you just haven’t found out yet. Statistics from around the world clearly show that data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other kinds of...
The Triple Threat: AI Ethics, Bias, and Deepfakes in Cybersecurity
by Marina Iantorno
Artificial intelligence has transformed the field of cybersecurity by enabling advanced threat detection, automated response systems, and improved overall defense strategies. Although it is considered a game changer in cybersecurity, the adoption of AI presents significant ethical challenges, bias, and the growing risk of deepfakes. Ethics in AI is a topic that has been discussed for many years, but in today's context, AI is making decisions that directly impact people and organizations, and the importance of considering ethics is a must. A critical examination of the moral and societal...
Microsoft Putting Decentralized Identities Into Practice
by Martin Kuppinger
Decentralized Identities in all their facets have been a hot topic at the European Identity and Cloud Conference 2023 (EIC) , which ran in Berlin last week. Just a few days before, Microsoft announced their support for Verified Workplace in LinkedIn using Microsoft Entra Verified ID . Verifying the workplace What Microsoft announced is focused on a particular use case, the verification of workplaces of LinkedIn members. It builds on multi-step verification. The entry level is workplace email verification. There is little friction in that. Organizations can verify the work...
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