Analyst Chat

Analyst Chat #193: Dynamic Defenses - Evolving Strategies in Attack Surface Management

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Director Cybersecurity Research
KuppingerCole Analysts AG
John is the Director of Cybersecurity Research and Lead Analyst at KuppingerCole Analysts. John covers multiple cybersecurity and identity management topics, drawing upon his years of experience as a security specialist in both Fortune 500 companies and tech startups. John develops research...
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Research Analyst
KuppingerCole Analysts AG
Osman joined KuppingerCole Analysts AG as Research Analyst in March 2022. Osman holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Koc University, Turkey, and Master of Management (Track in IT Management) degree from EBS Universität, Germany.
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IAM Practice Director / Head of Advisory
KuppingerCole Analysts AG
Having worked for his whole professional life in Identity and Access Management, Matthias joined KuppingerCole in 2014. In his role of the Director of the Practice IAM he works on maintaining the leading role of KuppingerCole in all facets of the topic of digital identities and their access to...
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