Global Identity Verification Platform

The IDMkyX platform provides the necessary controls and assurances to comply with AML, KYC, and KYB regulations. It also supports international digital identity verification requirements for regulated sectors and entities. Additionally, the platform enhances your understanding of your stakeholders and their device usage patterns and helps prevent online fraud and cyber-attacks within your organization. Furthermore, we can do that in 195 countries!

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    Grow Your Business With IDMERIT

    5 Billion People

    5Billion People

    580+ ID Types

    580+ID Types

    240 Countries & Territories

    240Countries & Territories

    330 Million Businesses

    330Million Businesses

    Accelerate Your KYC Compliance Efforts with IDMERIT, the fastest online identity verification service. We are delighted to offer KYC services in india

    KYC Data Sources for india

    • Government - Official Voter Register
    • Government - Official National ID - Aadhar
    • Government - Official Department of Motor Vehicle
    • Government - Official National ID - Pan Card

    Documents We Verify

    Our Verification Process Ensures the Accuracy and Validity of Documents. IDMERIT Offers Real-time KYC Solutions for india to Simplify and Speed Up New User Verification and Onboarding Processes.

    Pan Card

    IDMERIT’s PAN Card Verification Services utilize a variety of data sources to ensure the most accurate verification of PAN (Permanent Account Number) cards. The scanning process includes every card pixel to provide the most authentic and reliable outcome.

    • Format accuracy and exactness of PAN card
    • Crumpled/creased edges exposure
    • Bogus/photoshopped PAN Card detection
    • Rainbow print confirmation
    • Hologram validation
    • Blurry, bare image detection
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    Aadhaar Card

    IDMERIT offers real-time scanning, verification, and authentication services for India’s Aadhar KYC (Know Your Customer) cards.

    • Format accuracy and exactness
    • Altered or broken edge detections
    • Forged/photoshopped Aadhar Card verifications
    • Blurred/tampered image proofs
    • Hologram/rainbow print verifications
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    Driving License

    Ensure Accurate and Comprehensive Driving License Identity Verification Checks with Our Updated Motor-Vehicle Data Coverage Worldwide.
    IDMERIT’s driving license verification includes comprehensive features for conducting driving license checks.

    • Accuracy of the license format
    • Folded or creased edges recognition
    • Forged/altered/photoshopped driving license check
    • Rainbow print/hologram verification
    • Blurred/tempered recognition
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    DL Card Image


    Passport Verification is a part of prime KYC and CDD Verification Measures worldwide.
    IDMERIT has accurate data sources to verify the name, DOB, nationality, and addresses of individuals across the globe.
    IDMERIT’s passport verification service provides a comprehensive range of features, including:

    • MRZ technology with accurate name match, DOB, expiry date
    • High-end technology to detect forged prints, images
    • Fake images, fonts, and image detections guarantee
    • Format accuracy folded/creased edge recognition
    • Photoshopped images/prints sensing
    • Tampered/forged image recognition
    • Rainbow print/hologram verification
    • Finding blurriness/exposure
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    Passport Card Image

    Automated AML Solutions For Businesses

    IDMERIT offers anti-money laundering (AML) services that assist businesses in identifying high-risk clients, enhancing client onboarding with quicker PEP screening, and continuously monitoring sanction lists in real time.

    • India Ministry of Home Affairs Banned Organisations
    • India Ministry of Home Affairs Designated Terrorists Under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act

    KYC Solutions For india

    IDMERIT's KYC services use advanced identity verification technologies, such as biometric verification, document verification, and database checks, to collect and verify customer data from multiple sources. This helps businesses to ensure that their customers are who they claim to be and to comply with regulatory requirements such as AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and CTF (Counter-Terrorist Financing) regulations.

    IDMkyb For Know Your Business (KYB) Services

    • Prevent fraud by identifying and verifying critical corporate data.
    • Experience match rates that are the best in the industry.
    • Stay compliant with KYB regulations.
    • Expand your current compliance programs to meet increasing demands.
    • Effortlessly onboard new business clients with speed and ease.
    Other Services In india


    Uncover signs of potential fraud through a device’s setup and how information is accessed

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    Make trustworthy customer approvals by calculating an individual’s level of risk

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    Authenticate IDs and verify an individual´s presence through a live agent

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    Real-time solutions to identify and verify 330+ million businesses

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    Direct access to 2300+ utility providers in 40+ countries to quickly verify an individual's identity

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    Use 20+ social media and messenger platforms to gather identity data and heighten your KYC checks

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    Integration For All Industries

    Banking and Finance


    Border security Customs


    Retail & ecommerce

    Age-Restricted Commerce



    Online Gaming


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