“Our cost-effective and comprehensive identity verification solutions help businesses generate trust with their customers and mitigate risk.”

The world has become increasingly (more) mobile. With data breaches, cybercriminals, and consumer privacy mandates, creating trust online is of key importance. Traditional methods of identity verification, such as passwords, knowledge-based authentication, and two-factor authentication are all outdated. They are vulnerable to attack from criminals. Companies need to take a bold approach to shift from these procedures to other methods of contactless online authentication. In customer-not-present scenarios, it is extremely important to ensure the correct individual is accessing secure information.

This is where IDMERIT comes in. We provide solutions to address these concerns.

To effectively fight fraud, consumer identity authentication is a critical part of a tight and secure online experience. ID authentication algorithms have historically been slow, error-prone, and involve manual intervention. Our products are the opposite. We offer fast, trusted, accurate, and automated verification solutions to the global market.

Our identity verification solutions use machine learning, facial recognition, liveness biometrics, and other next-gen technologies. This makes our products some of the most competitive and cutting-edge offerings in the current market. With these technologies, we can offer secure, contactless identity verification without the use of human review. Staying away from human review allows IDMERIT to protect user information during the review process and reduce the risk of it being stolen, manipulated, or misused.

IDMERIT is committed to the ongoing development and delivery of the most cost-effective and comprehensive global identity verification services. Our history lies in data. IDMERIT is comprised of leaders in the data technology sector. Our CEO, Tony Raval, leads an executive team of top data tech and identity space veterans. This background has given us the ability to create a comprehensive network of sources to be used to verify, validate and authenticate identities around the world.

On top of validating and authenticating government-issued national identity documents such as driving licenses, national ID cards, passports, etc., we connect to government official data sources to verify the identities of individuals and business entities. The types of data we source include:

  • Credit files
  • Public Records
  • Mobile Network Operators
  • Tax Registry
  • Passport registry
  • Census Bureau data
  • Utility Databases

Our identity bureau covers over 90 countries and counting. It includes identity data from some of the most challenging countries, including: India, China, and South Africa. We are experts who have been sourcing data on identities across the globe for over a decade. Our reach to official and trusted data throughout the world differentiates our company from the competition. We use quality and compliant data for identity verification.

IDMERIT takes the use of personal data very seriously. Therefore, we maintain compliance as a standard mode of operation. IDMERIT ensures all its data banks and sources follow stringent identity verification processes. Automated solutions help meet these goals by securing personal user data and protecting it from potential misuse. Compliance with GDPR or CCPA is always top of mind for our verification experts, and we are constantly improving our product to follow local compliance laws and regulations around the world.

The services offered by IDMERIT are some of the most accurate on the market. Our solution is ideal for companies in the banking and financial sector, cryptocurrency market, sharing economy, eCommerce, online gaming, and many more.

IDMERIT’s main headquarters is based in San Diego, California. Our CEO has been acknowledged as a thought leader and become a part of the Forbes Tech Council. He continues to innovate the company and create new solutions that address top identity concerns. He is forging the way to provide new standards for fully-automated, seamless and global identity verification solutions.

  • Vision

    Fighting fraud and creating trust

  • Mission

    Organize the world’s identities to make them universally accessible to fight fraud

  • Core Values

    1. We exist to protect our customers
    2. We never stop looking for ways to improve
    3. We are committed to staying on the forefront of technology
    4. We will earn continued trust with every interaction and transaction