

KuppingerCole’s Whitepaper is a report written by one of KC’s analysts that informs readers about a specific, usually complex issue. A whitepaper is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.
Understanding the Value of Upgrading to Cloud-Based Identity Security
Understanding the Value of Upgrading to Cloud-Based Identity Security
Organizations are facing ever increasing challenges maintaining and modernizing legacy identity security solutions. The shift from on-premises legacy solutions to SaaS based identity security...
Die Automatisierung des SOC
Die Automatisierung des SOC
SOAR, Security Orchestration, Automation and Response, ist das jüngste in einer Reihe von mit Security verbundenen Modewörtern, die sich auf dem Markt verbreiten. Obwohl SOAR erst in den letzten...
Zoom Unified Communications Platform Security and Compliance
Zoom Unified Communications Platform Security and Compliance
Zoom offers a cloud-based unified communications platform (UCaaS) featuring video communications. UCaaS delivers many benefits including flexibility, performance, and price. Organizations should...
Going Beyond Traditional Penetration Testing
Going Beyond Traditional Penetration Testing
Penetration testing is an essential methodology used to discover and remediate vulnerabilities and reduce risks from cyber-attacks and cybercrime. Regular penetration testing is recommended and, in...
Cloud Access Governance
Cloud Access Governance
Across the globe there has been a significant increase in the adoption of cloud and multi-cloud environments, as businesses scramble to take advantage of digital transformation. With more clouds...
Automating the SOC
Automating the SOC
SOAR, Security Orchestration, Automation and Response, is the latest in a line of security buzzwords to hit the market; and while SOAR may have only emerged in the last few years, it is fast...
Secure Software Supply Chains
Secure Software Supply Chains
Major cyber-attacks such as the SolarWinds and Kaseya incidents demonstrate the need to focus significantly more on software supply chain security as well as traditional cyber defense areas....
Accelerating Your Digital Business with Customer Identity
Accelerating Your Digital Business with Customer Identity
The role of Consumer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) is still massively undervalued by many organizations. Both drop-off and churn rates are heavily impacted by cumbersome registration and...
How to Build the Modern CIAM: For Customers, Consumers, and Citizens
How to Build the Modern CIAM: For Customers, Consumers, and Citizens
In the digital age, the “C identities” of customers, consumers, citizens, and all the other types of external identities, such as tourists, are at the forefront of every digital business and...
A New Era for Digital Identity in Germany
A New Era for Digital Identity in Germany
The journey towards digital identity in Germany has been fraught with optimism, failure, and continued persistence. It is currently at a crossroads – consumer and private sector behavior indicate a...
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