Biometric Identity Verification for the Healthcare Industry

Biometric technology has proven its usefulness in recent years and will become more commonplace in 2019 as this trend is expected to continue in the future. As its use continues to rise, it will start to penetrate a variety of sectors. Healthcare is one of the sectors that could benefit from the use of biometric technology. Some examples of how biometric identity verification can assist in the healthcare industry include reducing patient fraud, enhancing language barrier assistance, increasing patient and employee safety, and identifying malpractice.

Reducing Patient Fraud with Biometric Identity Verification

Being able to identify patients is critical in the healthcare industry. It is said that healthcare records could be worth thousands of dollars to online hackers as compared to social security numbers which are worth ten cents, in contrast. If healthcare records end up in the wrong hands, healthcare fraud can occur which leads to billions of dollars in losses every year.

Biometric technology, including facial recognition or fingerprint scanning, can help in the process of biometric identity verification. A fraud prevention solution can eliminate the possibility for individuals to pose as other patients for patient care. Fingerprints, facial recognition and retinal scans are difficult to replicate, although not impossible. In most cases, biometric technology will be an effective barrier preventing healthcare billing for services not rendered. It offers hospitals a way to identify individuals before they receive patient care.

Enhancing Language Barrier Assistance with Biometrics

Sometimes it is difficult to determine what type of medical assistance is needed by a patient. For example, say an unconscious patient is admitted into a hospital for an unknown reason. The patient has also been brought to the hospital without any form of identification. Biometric technology can help a physician determine who the patient is since their identifiable information is part of their body. If the biometrics are attached to their medical history, then a biometric scan can be used to access their previous medical records. This will help doctors better identify how to assist individuals who are difficult to identify through traditional means and give them the proper medical care they deserve.


Patient & Employee Safety with Biometric Technology

Biometric technology has proven its usefulness in many industries—not just in healthcare—by improving safety. In hospitals there are typically restricted areas for both patients and employees. These places are only available to specific, privileged health personnel.

For example, many hospitals have specific areas for surgeries that rely solely on key cards for access to these areas. This is a huge vulnerability for hospitals because if a key card is stolen or misplaced, it can get into the wrong hands. This can lead to severe breaches or even risk lives. Biometrics can help solve this problem by only allowing users with permission access to restricted areas in hospitals.

Biometric fingerprint, facial recognition or retinal scanning are all fairly difficult to replicate and can increase security in hospitals. Plus, for facial recognition and retinal scanning in particular, these biometrics offer hospitals a more sanitary solution for security.

Identifying Malpractice with Biometrics

If biometric technology is added to hospitals, it will also help identify malpractice when it occurs. Currently, if malpractice occurs a hospital cannot know with certainty what doctor is responsible. Biometrics are a fraud prevention solution that can help solve this issue by identifying what individuals accessed restricted areas or restricted pieces of equipment during the time of the malpractice. Biometric identity verification will help reduce malpractice at hospitals because it will be much easier to determine the individuals involved in the act.

Greater Satisfaction

Ultimately, the biometric possibilities described above can greatly improve customer satisfaction and service with healthcare providers. Biometric technology authentication is a fraud prevention solution that can increase healthcare efficiency leading to improved treatments, medical prescriptions and health advice. The technology can reduce unwarranted access to restricted individuals, equipment or areas of hospitals, reducing malpractice in the process. Biometric technology will help hospitals prevent unnecessary fatal events on their premises.

Alex McGinness
Alex McGinness

Alex is passionate about making the world a better place. She believes she can change the world, and one way she can do that is by helping businesses grow online through digital marketing. She excels at branding, graphic design, web design, social media management, and content writing. Alex finds the most success when she is working with companies that produce services or products that make the world a better place. She enjoys working with a collaborative team that is organized, goal-oriented and harmoniums. At IDMERIT, she manages their digital presence online as their in-house marketing coordinator. Her goal is to showcase the IDMERIT brand as a leader in global identity verification services.

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