How Customer Identity Verification Can Improve Guest Experience

The Problem

Imagine this scenario: You are tired after a long flight and anxious to get to the hotel. Upon arriving, you are stuck at the front desk going through a lengthy check-in process. The room was booked online weeks ago, but you still have to answer the same booking questions in person. Providing your name, ID, and credit card information feels like a redundant time waster. Sounds familiar, right? Of course! We’ve all experienced this frustrating song and dance at some point. Why do hotels still employ tedious and inefficient methods when we have so much technology, like customer identity verification tools, at our fingertips?

Guests prefer a streamlined and customized check-in that provides maximized services and benefits. The current check-in process requires providing multiple documents and sensitive information publicly. Integrating identity authentication services would streamline check-ins, protect guests’ privacy and security, and maximize vacation time.

Security and Customer Identity Verification Technology

Security is a critical concern for hotels. Guests trust hotels to protect their safety during each visit. Why not consider protecting the private and sensitive information guests provide when booking a visit? Implementing identity verification solutions like mobile scanning speed up the hotel verification process, resulting in instantaneous check-in and ID verification. A solution like IDMerit can accurately scan, verify, and gather necessary data while simultaneously decreasing data entry errors and enhancing security measures. Hotels can cut down on paper records, decreasing liability for data tampering and storage measures. Customer identity verification checks will ensure that all IDs are authentic—no need to second guess fraudulent documents. Scanning IDs reduces human error and miscommunications as well. Staff can spend more time assisting hotel guests based on their needs, building personalized and efficient experiences.

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Spain has already implemented identity authentication and customer identity verification measures allowing hotels to access guest information easily. This mandate requires hotels to submit daily security manifests listing guests and their credentials. Hotels that adopt efficient data and security measures can quickly search and prepare records and manifests with a few keystrokes. IDMERIT’s technology already adheres to legal standards, thus making it a suitable solution for the hospitality industry. Hotels and guests can trust that everyone’s data and security interests remain protected.

So far, mobile and online check-in and check-out processes are scoring highly with guests. Sabre Hospitality’s study found that adopting mobile technology has improved the Customer Experience Index by 1 point and added $6.52 revenue per customer annually. Hotels that utilize this technology across all their booking platforms can expect incremental improvements and increased customer satisfaction. Customer identity verification technologies will soon include facial recognition technology, adding a personalized touch to the welcoming process.

Staff can utilize this verified information as an opportunity to customize the experience for each guest, identifying and greeting them by name with relative ease. An Oracle study found that 72 percent of industry professionals see facial biometrics as a necessary tool within the next five years. Sixty-two percent of guests agree, stating that such technology would enhance visits. Subsequently, the study also found that 41 percent of hotel guests would return to a hotel if recognized personally. The future would mean no longer having to provide sensitive information or a membership card.

Imagine a Frictionless Mobile Experience From Start to Finish

Hotel websites and mobile apps offer hotel information, amenities, and accommodations. Potential guests can quickly browse and instantly book a great room. Using a smartphone camera, guests can scan an ID and a credit card. Both documents will be verified using double liveness, a measure created to detect and prevent identity fraud. IDMerit’s solution verifies the data and auto-fills information into corresponding areas. This solution saves time on booking and verifies information accurately. Now guests can spend more time inquiring about services, amenities, and attractions during visits.

Bottom Line

Guests are currently responding well to the boost in handy digital solutions. Though only about 3 percent currently utilize mobile check-in apps, developments could prompt more guests to embrace this technology. Mobile check-ins can grow by incorporating IDMERIT as an excellent solution for mitigating fraud risks and ensuring reliable security for hotels and guests. If you need a trusted verification solution, IDMERIT is your most comprehensive source. Put us to the test.

Jay Raol
Jay Raol

Jay Raol has been a Media Manager, Entrepreneur, Political Analyst and an Environmentalist. He aspires to climb the mighty Himalayas, and learn a new language every year. He lives in the beautiful city of Carlsbad in Southern California and owns a great collection of books. He is on schedule to publish his first book; 'Thou Art, Dope'. Co-founded two companies that provide futuristic solutions to the world while being quite enthusiastic about helping and investing in technology startups.

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