How to safeguard your child from being victims of Identity Thefts?

Protecting yourself from identity theft seems like common sense. As a parent though, have ...

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Do Your Passwords Protect Your Online Accounts?

The Problem We have all been there, you forgot the password to that website you rarely use...

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Consumer Privacy is Here to Stay

Last week, California passed the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018. It is the...

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Anonymity on Social Media is Ending

Can you imagine a world without social media? For many, this is an impossible task. In rec...

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Did You Know US ID Laws are Changing?

Introduction Have you flown recently? You may have noticed conspicuous signs at security c...

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Incorporating New Technologies for Better Airport Security

The world is becoming more connected, diverse and globalized place. Every single day more ...

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The Effects of GDPR are Beginning to Take Shape

It’s finally here. The effects of GDPR came into effect last week on May 25th, 2018. Com...

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The Police Need Efficient ID Verification

What happened at Yale In the United States, people of color are dealing with more interact...

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Don’t Make These GDPR Assumptions

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is described as the most important legislat...

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